
Starting some time today, Apple will be pushing iOS 7 out to the masses. Millions will be upgrading to the new, flat UI. But do they know that not all iOS devices will not be fully compatible (if at all) with the new mobile operating system? Check out this iOS 7 compatibility chart before upgrading.

The Purpose of the iOS 7 Compatibility Chart

Now before you work yourself up into a tizzy, when we say not fully compatible doesn’t mean you won’t be getting iOS 7 at all. Rather you could be missing some features that others with newer or more compatible devices will be getting.

Unfortunately not much can be done about adding features that aren’t compatible unless you plan on waiting for the jailbreak community to first, release a public tether or untether jailbreaking tool and second, publish tweaks that mimic incompatible functions within iOS 7. With the way the jailbreaking process seems to be trending, a public release could be months away. Tweaks may take even longer.

Another, more costly solution would be to dish out the cash for a new iOS device that can handle all iOS 7 features.

Hopefully the iOS 7 compatibility chart will help you determine what features you’ll be getting.

So, will you be upgrading to iOS 7 on launch day? Will you be keeping your precious iOS 6 jailbreak until one for iOS 7 is available? Do you not care/ or are unable to upgrade at all? Talk it out in the comments below.