Glowing Grand Central Apple Logo

We all know by now that there is no secret behind the layout and marketing strategies of the Apple stores. I mean come on, even Steve Jobs himself even described the thoughts behind the store layouts back in 2001. The stores are designed to capture the attention of the passers by to get them to go in and explore the store. Next thing you know, you have a couple thousand dollars missing from your bank account, but that’s beside the point. Apple has their strategy down to a science. They make solid products and have a huge customer base. The only obvious issue with Apple is the price at which they sell their products. There are many arguments to be made there so we’ll leave that alone.

According to the infographic provided by the Online MBA, Apple stands pretty tall in the retail game. But how well do they do against their other store based competitors? Check out the infographic below for the skinny.

Apple Stores Infographic